With our blog today, our goal is to help settle some of the confusion surrounding soap scum, what it is, where it comes from and what to do about it. Â Having studied chemistry in college, understanding chemical reactions has always interested me. Probably explains why I am a soap-making nerd and Star Trek fan. As […]
Goat Amore’ – Goat Breeding Season
Goat Breeding Season As the days shorten from late August through late December, the days shorten in length and temperatures begin to cool. At this time of year, the goat begins to think of mating. Some breeds are seasonal breeders who will only mate in the fall. Nigerian Dwarf Goats go into heat year round, about […]
Is pH in Soap Important?
Is there a perfect pH for Soap? During soap making demonstrations, we sometimes receive questions about the pH level in soap. The majority of handcrafted soaps have a pH between 8 and 9, slightly alkaline. The only brand proven to have a neutral pH of 7 is Dove. This is done by forcibly lowering the […]
LYE – What is it and why do we use it ?   Â
We are in an age where there is significantly more emphasis on living and eating as healthy as possible. With that, many people have eschewed the use of chemicals. However, there are some materials, which are labeled as chemicals, which are derived from nature and serve valuable purposes. So what is lye and how is […]