

Beware of Fake Essential Oils

Beware of Fake Essential Oils

Beware of Fake Essential Oils

Essential oils are all the rage and many people have jumped on the bandwagon to sell them. Our goal is to arm you with helpful knowledge so you can determine what is authentic and what is not. Unfortunately, there are vendors who attempt to pass off fragrance oils as therapeutic essential oils they are fake […]

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ASQ & Soap Analysis

Great news soap fans! Honey Sweetie Acres are now members of the American Society of Quality. It is an organization of people passionate about quality who use quality control tools, ideas and expertise to make the world a better place. As an ASQ member, we have begun a process of statistical process control in the […]

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handcrafted soap Deluxe Vanilla Handcrafted Goat Milk Soap

Fallacies of Goat Milk Soap & Handcrafted Soap

A fallacy is a type of erroneous reasoning that renders arguments logically unsound. Unfortunately, there are a few fallacies out there about handcrafted goat milk soap that has people questioning if goat milk soap is actually good for you. The blog today is to dispel some myths and provide educational detail…… Goats are dirty, smelly […]

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