There is a definite resurgence of interest in making one’s own personal care products or purchasing from a trusted source rather than the commercial brands and big box stores.  With all the good intentions, sometimes wonderful personal care products end up being stored in ill-fated packaging. Not only is packaging important when we make personal […]
Custom Aromatherapy Formulation Available
Why are we qualified to do Custom Aromatherapy Formulation? As aromatherapists, we have studied essential oils in excess of 250+ hours including skin anatomy & physiology plus herbal constituents. We have completed research papers and case studies as required by NAHA to validate our formulation expertise. Why does this matter?  In our previous blog, we extolled […]
Essential Oil Ingestion – Yea or Nea?
Should you consume essential oils internally? We truly love essential oils, however as aromatherapists, we are also acutely aware of their limitations and drawbacks. Can you ingest essential oils? Simply put, essential oils are made up of hundreds of chemical constituents. Yes, I used that nasty word….CHEMICAL. Â However what most users fail to remember is […]