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Why isn’t Goat Milk the first ingredient in Goat Milk Soap?

Why isn't Goat Milk the first ingredient in Goat Milk Soap?

Why isn’t Goat Milk the first ingredient in Goat Milk Soap?

Goat Milk Soap With our recent yearly customer survey, I noticed a question that I thought would be perfect for this newsletter and the Blog.  It was “Why isn’t goat milk the first ingredient in Goat Milk Soap?” I love questions like this because the person who posed it is really interested in understanding the […]

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Bathing Your Dog in Goat Milk Soap

Bathing Your Dog in Goat Milk Soap

Goat milk soap has several benefits for your skin—it nourishes your skin, gets rid of acne, and helps keep your skin soft. What you might not know is that you can also wash your dog with goat milk soap. The natural ingredients in the soap make it perfectly safe to use on dogs. Plus, it […]

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Why we do not make CBD Soap

Why we do not make CBD Soap

With the world focused on CBD so intently right now, we have received the inevitable question, “Why don’t you have a CBD Soap”?  There are several different reasons for this. Soap heats up First, CBD is high temperature sensitive. In soap-making there are temperature considerations.  If you do what is called “hot-process”, the soap is […]

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