

Artisan Soap vs. Triple Milled Soap

Artisan Soap vs. Triple Milled Soap

Artisan Soap vs. Triple Milled Soap

We recently had an email from a customer inquiring about Artisan Soap vs. Triple Milled Soap.  I realized that many more people could potentially have the same question as he did.  So let’s dig in! What is Triple Milled Soap? The term “triple milled” conjures up visions of a extremely high-end soap with luscious lather […]

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Essential Oils and Children

Essential Oils & Children

After several years of study, a substantial financial investment in education, time spent researching, reading and passing different levels of examinations, I fully realize that aromatherapy is a field of constant change and growth, which will always require additional study.  It is a journey, not a destination. New detailed essential oil research is coming out […]

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Ashley Lobaugh

Meet our new Honey Sweetie Acres Team Member

Every year we are faced with deciding which events to go to and when to stay home and focus on production.  There are only so many hours in each day and we have a herd of 30+ animals to care for as well, so we reduced local events in the last two years due to […]

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Nigerian Dwarf Doe Rosie

Meet our wonderful Nigerian Dwarf Doe “Rosie”

Our Nigerian Dwarf Doe Rosie……formerly known as Jasper Pine TN Mahogany Rose We have so many people interested in the stories behind our goats, that we decided to profile them in the Blog!  Some have very interesting back stories, like our goat today, Rosie. Rosie isn’t the prettiest goat around, she won’t win a beauty […]

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Are Essential Oils Beneficial in Soap?

Are Essential Oils Beneficial in Soap?

Are essential oils beneficial or is it a new marketing fad? We receive this question a lot, both from customers and from other soap-makers/artisans. The answer is both Yes and No and the answer isn’t entirely simple or conclusive.  First, many people will use essential oils in soap for a natural scent that comes directly […]

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