

The Best Memory Boosting Essential Oils

Memory Boosting Essential Oils

The Best Memory Boosting Essential Oils

Located at the very back of our nose is an organ called the Olfactory Bulb. Our sense of smell is one of the most powerful senses that we possess. We can visit and experience the past almost instantly when a specific scent works as a trigger. This trigger is the result of the olfactory bulb […]

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Bad Soap

Does Goat Milk Soap Expire?

Does Goat Milk Soap Expire? This a question we have had a few times and I think it is a great topic to explore!.  Because goat milk soap is made with milk, it is a natural assumption by many that there would be an expiration date.  There is an expiration date on milk itself, so […]

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Temporary Store Hours Change on the Farm

Thanks to so many of you for your kind words and encouragement with our news of moving!  We were hoping everyone would be happy to see it.  It is a challenging time, we are tearing down the inside and redoing the space to be conducive to a smooth manufacturing flow with separate stations for each […]

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Our Next Adventure – Moving !

We started in our basement, like thousands of other businesses. We worked two jobs and came home to make soap at night.  We went to a small farmer’s market with the requisite tent and table and a selection of 10 different soaps in peck baskets. The response to our product was swift and encouraging. But […]

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