


coconut oil Coconut Oil vs. Tree Nut Allergies

Tree Nut Allergies and the use of Coconut Oil

Are you concerned about being allergic to the soap because of cocoNUT oil?

We’ve been asked by customers with tree nut allergies if our soap is made using coconut oil. They are concerned about being allergic to goat milk soap because of the cocoNUT oil in our recipe. Memories of my college biology class told me that a coconut and a tree nut are NOT the same thing, but I needed more than just my recollections to share with customers.

Much of the information on the web about whether coconut oil is safe for tree nut allergies is confusing. Some articles warn against coconut as an allergen and others say it is completely safe. We reached out to Dr. Wade Watson, an allergist who writes articles for Allergic Living Magazine. He wrote an article back in 2005 on the question “Is coconut a tree nut”?

Coconuts are large seeds!

His answer: “The coconut is a member of the palm family, which is not related to nuts or peanuts. Coconuts are large seeds adapted for water borne dispersal and can remain viable even after having floated in the sea for six months or more”. A coconut is really a SEED, not a nut. It is the seed of a drupaceous fruit. A drupe is a fruit with a hard stony covering enclosing the seed (like a peach or olive).

While it is possible to be allergic to coconut, the cross reactivity for those with tree nut allergies is very rare.

However, in 2006, the FDA began identifying the coconut AS a tree nut and adding it to the list of allergens. But The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) does not recognize coconut as a nut. No wonder people are confused!

This information is not only good news for those who wish to use natural soaps crafted with coconut oil in the recipe, it is also good news from a nutritional perspective. Coconut oil is growing in popularity as a culinary oil versus canola and olive.

For people with tree nut allergies, is a coconut oil based soap safe to use?

The answer is YES, coconut oil is safe for those with tree nut allergies, unless they have an allergy to coconut itself. The benefits of coconut oil in soap are numerous:

  • Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids, that when applied to the skin keep it smooth to the touch.
  • The capric/caprylic/lauric acid in coconut oil have strong disinfectant and anti-microbial properties.
  • Coconut oil contains natural vitamin E, which is essential for skin repair.
  • Coconut oil is rich in many proteins which contribute to cellular health & tissue repair.
  • Unlike many other oils, coconut oil does not become rancid.

Our handmade goat milk soap contains approximately 30% organic coconut oil that is sustainably produced on organic farms rather than sourced from the rainforests.

More on Coconut and Health

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