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Algedi Farm Dancing Gal

Our Does achieved their Milk Stars!

On Tuesday, April 9th we performed what is called a One Day Milk Test, which is a performance program sanctioned by the American Dairy Goat Association. Due to the time required for our Soap Business, we do not participate in the FULL year (305 day) milking test program.

We do participate in the 1 Day milk test, which actually has higher requirements since it is a “point in time” test. Milking does are tested over 3 milking sessions within 36 hours with attention being applied to production, the amount of butterfat in the milk, the protein percent in the milk and the somatic cell count (bacteria count).

There is a threshold established by ADGA that a doe must meet in order to be awarded a star for their milking ability.  We are pleased to announce that all seven does who we tested passed and received their milk star!  This is very important for future generations and for tracking a family history of quality production.  We are very proud of Imzadi and Ambrosia, both of whom are milking for the first time (First Fresheners). Many first timers do not do well enough to succeed on milk test, so we were tickled to know they made it.

Some does were not tested this year due to birthing difficulties and udders that got a less than ideal start.  Four additional does are due to deliver in May, so another milk test will be performed on Cookie, Magnifique, Octavia and Emerald Isle, so look for those results sometime in late June/July.

Four Year Old - Rear View Udder - Fire
WoodBridge Farm Ma Cherie
Honey Sweetie Acres Imzadi (first year milking)
Honey Sweetie Acres Daniela
Honey Sweetie Acres Ambrosia (first year milking)
Honey Sweetie Acres Guinevere
Honey Sweetie Acres Lagatha
Algedi Farm Dancing Gal

Quenevere    Wood Bridge Farm Ma'Cherie  Honey Sweetie Acres Daniela  Honey Sweetie Acres Imzadi    Honey Sweetie Acres Rose Otto

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