


New Goat’s Milk Facial Cream Packaging

Several weeks ago we began upgrading our Goats Milk Facial Cream packaging to airless pump technology.

If you visited us at the Cincinnati Home & Garden Show recently or recently ordered our Goats Milk Facial Cream online, you found we had a surprise for you.  Instead of our usual small, round cosmetic jar, you experienced our new Facial Cream package.

Why use an airless pump?

  • Airless pumps are highly preferred in the cosmetic world.
  • Airless pumps reduce exposure of the product to air and thus oxidation.  This can lead to a longer shelf life in some instances.
  • The delicate facial formulas is protected from the introduction of microbes and bacteria.
  • Unlike lotion bottles with pumps, airless packaging does not have a dip tube.

Instead, a diaphragm rises within the bottle to help push out the product. When we depress the pump, a vacuum effect is creating pulling the air out and with it, the product. The customer can be assured they are using ALL the product and no longer have to shake the bottle to extract what is left in the bottom.

There is a tiny whole in the bottom of the bottle which allows air in beneath the bottom internal plate, pushing it upwards when the pump is depressed.

The cost to package product like this is higher, however with the above mentioned benefits to the consumer, we believe our customers will agree it is a welcome move.  As always, we welcome your comments and feedback!  Enjoy!

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