When you receive a package from us, you will usually find either air pillows or packing peanuts securing your package. As a business, we are sensitive to our customer’s preference for environmentally friendly packing products. Soap and related products are heavy enough, so we want to reduce package weight for more economical shipping. We love air pillows and use them when we can, but the supply is erratic. So for most packages, we use white nature-based peanuts.
Here is what is important:
Our peanuts protect your purchases against damage during shipment. Â They are made from all natural sorghum starch which is both biodegradable and compostable. They can be recycled as plant fertilizer (sugar & starch) and/or reused in other packages. Â Need to break them down? Â Water does the trick easily, dissolving them entirely. No damage to plants, your sinks or septic systems. Â Yet, Â they do not absorb water from the air or degrade in high-humidity weather. Â They do not contain toxic chemicals of any sort.
Now that’s Environmentally Friendly Packing
Just a quick, short blog to let you know we look at every facet of our business with the intent to improve. Contact us with any questions.