It was several years ago that a customer came to us searching for a blueberry goat milk soap. He said his mother loved it and he could not find it anywhere. We began evaluating blueberry fragrances since there is no such thing a Blueberry Essential Oil. May fragrances are sweet and candi-like, neither of which are true to a real blueberry. We spent time researching if there were indeed ANY skin benefits to the use of blueberries in goat milk soap and our eyes were immediately opened.
Blueberries are rich in anthocyanin, a flavonoid with potent antioxidant capacity. Found within the dark blue pigment of blueberry skin, anthocyanin’s power is protecting cells against damage, which helps also guards against multiple degenerative diseases. What is even more amazing is that the power of the blueberry remains even after freezing or cooking!  Research has shown that anthocyanin remains even after extremes of temperature.
When we found a fragrance with a true blueberry essences, we realized that was not enough. Â Since we discovered that anthocyanin is present in blueberries, we made it a point to use real blueberries in our soap recipe. Â (You can learn more about the power of blueberries in this blog post)
Adding a botanical to goat milk soap is tricky business.  You must add enough to experience skin benefit, but not so much as to put the soap in danger of excessive moisture, poor cure rate or worse yet, decomposition of the biological matter within the soap offering up mold and mildew. It isn’t as simple as just throwing a few blueberries in the blender. It is a calculated addition.  The same thing applies for many of our botanical soaps soaps, Avocado, Pumpkin, Cucumber etc.
Imagine a bowl of creamy goat milk and add in a few blueberries. Yum! Now feed the same thing in a blueberry soap form to your skin.
Blueberry Goat Milk Soap has been a great seller and wonderful addition to our botanical soap line.
I bought a variety of your soaps including blueberry. I assumed it would be too fragrant/sweet smelling but thought I’d give it a try. I loved it! I definitely will be getting more with my next order. Thank you!